
  • to provide substitute care for children in a stable and safe family living environment for a limited period of time, as specified by the individual welfare plan and subject to review on a regular basis
  • to protect and promote the health and welfare of children and nurture their overall growth and development, including their physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs
  • to encourage the development of potential, responsibility, self-esteem and self-care of the children in care

Target Group of Service:

The target group is children under 18 years of age who cannot be adequately cared for by their families. This may include slow-learners or children of limited intelligence, children with mild behavioural or emotional problems, or children who experience minor health problems and have been medically assessed as fit for care in an ordinary family setting.

Hong Kong Children and Youth Services

Address: G4, Kai Shing House, Kai Yip Estate, Kowloon Bay , Hong Kong

Tel: 2750 7913

Fax: 2755 3137
